Mobile offices and working from home have become integral parts of today's business world. But as the flexibility increases, so do the risks for...
usd HeroLab
Security Advisories on SAP, Atlassian, Contao, Metaways Infosystems, Oveleon, PebbleRoad und Webswing
The pentest professionals at usd HeroLab examined SAP, Atlassian, Contao, Metaways Infosystems, Oveleon, PebbleRoad and Webswing during their...
“SAP from an Attacker's Perspective”: usd Experts Speaking at German OWASP Day 2024
The German Chapter of the Open Worldwide Application Security Project (OWASP) is once again organizing its national conference this year. On...
3 Locations, 2 Events, 1 Day: usd Hackertag and usd Hacking Night 2024
On Friday, October 25, 2024, it was time again: our events for hacking enthusiasts took place simultaneously at our three offices - Neu-Isenburg,...
Top 3 Vulnerabilites in System Pentests
During their penetration tests (pentests), our security analysts at usd HeroLab repeatedly uncover vulnerabilities that pose significant risks to...
search_vulns - Vulnerability Search Made Easy: The Story Behind the Community Tool
Obtaining a good overview of all known vulnerabilities for software products is often more difficult and complex than one might initially assume....
From Unicode to Exploit: The Security Risks of Overlong UTF-8 Encodings
In the dynamic field of cybersecurity, it is often the obscure and long-forgotten vulnerabilities that pose a hidden threat to otherwise hardened...