usd Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is the social responsibility of companies in terms of sustainable business. This includes social, ecological and economic aspects such as fair business practices, employee-oriented personnel policies, economical use of natural resources, protection of climate and environment or serious local commitment.

We at usd are proud to contribute on the side of the good. We refrain from behavior that violates laws, regulations and rules and have committed ourselves to positive values as part of our CSR policy and our sustainability strategy.

Each of us, we all bear responsibility in usd. For our customers. For ourselves. For our togetherness. For our environment. For the generations that follow us.

Manfred Tubach
Founder, CEO

Our Award

Our CSR management system was awarded the silver medal by the rating company EcoVadis. This puts us in the top 25 percent of the more than 90,000 companies evaluated by EcoVadis worldwide.

usd Sustainability Report 2022

usd Environment Policy

usd Corporate Social Responsibility Policy

usd Code of Ethics and Conduct

"Sustainability means incorporating it into our decisions and actions every day. For a better future."

Andreas Duchmann, Member of Executive Board

"Above all, it is the numerous initiatives of our employees that make me proud of what we are achieving as part of our corporate social responsibility measures."

Andrea Tubach, Member of Executive Board

"To me, sustainability means being mindful of our resources. We all have a responsibility, and we have to live up to it."

Manfred Tubach, CEO

"To me, sustainability means aligning our business activities today so that we can prevail in the future."

Christopher Kristes, Member of Executive Board

"To me, sustainability means not just thinking about today, but making ethical principles and environmental protection a natural part of our lives in the long run."

Matthias Göhring, Member of Executive Board

"Sustainability means incorporating it into our decisions and actions every day. For a better future."

Andreas Duchmann

Member of Executive Board

"Above all, it is the numerous initiatives of our employees that make me proud of what we are achieving as part of our corporate social responsibility measures."

Andrea Tubach

Member of Executive Board

"To me, sustainability means being mindful of our resources. We all have a responsibility, and we have to live up to it."



„Nachhaltigkeit bedeutet für mich, unser unternehmerisches Handeln heute so auszurichten, dass wir auch in der Zukunft Bestand haben können.“

Christopher Kristes


"To me, sustainability means not just thinking about today, but making ethical principles and environmental protection a natural part of our lives in the long run."

Matthias Göhring

Member of Executive Board

usd AG is committed to the ten principles of the UN Global Compact for responsible and sustainable corporate governance and to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted by the member states of the United Nations in 2015. The core of the Agenda are the following 17 global Sustainable Development Goals:

Our engagement

DEF CON | Las Vegas | 10. - 13. August 2023

DEF CON | Las Vegas | 10. - 13. August 2023

DEF CON is the longest running and largest underground hacking conference in the world. It is known for its in-depth focus on computer security and hacking and provides a platform for some of the greatest minds in the field to share their knowledge and work together...

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Security Advisories on hugocms and Gitea

Security Advisories on hugocms and Gitea

The pentest professionals at usd HeroLab examined hugocms and Gitea during their pentests. Thereby, several vulnerabilities were identified. The vulnerabilities were reported to the vendors as part of the Responsible Disclosure Policy. The usd HeroLab Advisories can...

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You can get further insights into our engagment here.

Tell us!

In any company, misconduct or violations of the law can occur. We try to protect ourselves as best we can. With Tell us! you can actively support us as a whistleblower and thus prevent damage. Do you have information about violations of the law? Submit confidential reports via our secure reporting channels for whistleblowers. You can find detailed information on how we handle your user data in our privacy policy.

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usd AG
Compliance & Legal
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63263 Neu-Isenburg, Germany