Cloud Provider plusserver Certified According to PCI DSS v4.0

14. February 2024

At the beginning of 2024, the leading German cloud provider plusserver was certified by usd AG according to the globally mandatory PCI DSS v4.0 credit card security standard.

With its cloud platforms, plusserver provides its customers with a data-sovereign and provider-independent basis for their digital business processes.

Thanks to our certification, our customers know that our data centers meet the strict physical and organizational requirements of the PCI DSS. This means they can rely on their credit card data being handled securely. In addition, our certification significantly reduces the time and effort required to prove their own PCI DSS compliance.

Norbert Müller, Director Data Center at plusserver GmbH

This year's certification of plusserver was carried out for the first time in accordance with PCI DSS v4.0, which will become largely mandatory from April 1, 2024. In order to simplify the transition to the latest version of the standard, the lead auditor responsible at usd AG, Nur Ahmad, presented the new requirements and best practices for implementation to the PCI representatives at plusserver in a workshop.

Thanks to their technical expertise and excellent preparation, our contacts at plusserver were able to adapt to the new requirements without any problems. This enabled us to bring the certification to a successful conclusion.

Nur Ahmad, Senior Consultant PCI Security Services at usd AG

Ensuring the information security of our customers' IT systems and data is a top priority for us. The certification of our data centers according to the latest PCI Data Security Standard v4.0 is an important step in this direction. Many thanks to our auditor Nur Ahmad and his colleagues at usd AG for their competent and cooperative support in this project and in recent years.

Falko Stetter, Directory IT-Security & Processes at plusserver

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