Mit der richtigen Cyber Security Strategie zur sicheren digitalen Transformation

With the right Cyber Security Strategy towards a secure Digital Transformation

14. July 2021

The application of new technologies, the automatisation of processes and the interconnection of value chains determine the everyday work in companies today. However, if one wants to fully exploit the opportunities of digitalisation, one must make the associated risks controllable.

The importance of information security has therefore changed fundamentally in recent years. Not only for the own company, but also in the cooperation with partners and customers. A flood of branch-specific, legal and regulatory requirements for information security and information risk management is the consequence.

In our daily work, we experience the enormous challenges this brings to companies. How do medium-sized companies in particular manage to establish a cost-efficient management that is appropriate for them and does justice to a connected, fast and digitalised world?

The first step is the development of a Cyber Security Strategy that is aligned with the needs and requirements of your business and at the end of which stands the optimal protection of your corporate assets. In addition to this essential role, Cyber Security today must also increasingly function as an enabler of Digital Transformation in the company. Because only if it is properly established innovations can be realised quickly and securely.

Your cyber security strategy therefore has to master the balancing act between protecting what is already in place and securing new processes through innovation and agility.

Based on your Corporate and IT Strategy, we develop the individually suitable strategy for your company's success within the framework of our 5-Phase-Model:

Phase 1: Identifying your business drivers for Cyber Security

Phase 2: Identifying your risk context

Phase 3: Running a Cyber Security Check

Phase 4: Derivation of relevant fields of action

Phase 5: Finalisation of the Cyber Security Strategy

The development of a suitable cyber security strategy is an exciting challenge. We are happy to support you on this path and advise you on the implementation of your personal strategy. Please contact us for more information.

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