Eurowings successfully certified against PCI DSS

13. February 2017

Left to right: Dr Kai Schubert, PCI DSS Lead Auditor usd AG, Ms Mehtap Secilmis, Head of IT Governance and Information Security Officer Eurowings Group, Lorenz Heiler, Security Consultant usd AG..
Initial conversations were held in July 2016. The PCI DSS audit was launched in September – and already successfully concluded on 5 December.

Dr Kai Schubert, Lead Auditor at usd AG, comments on the course of the project: “The audit took place simultaneously with the merger of Germanwings with Eurowings, which posed a huge task to the IT organisation involved. Nonetheless, the cooperation with our colleagues was highly constructive and efficient. The whole team contributed to this great accomplishment.”

Ms Mehtap Secilmis, Head of IT Governance and Information Security Officer at Eurowings Group, is equally happy with the project results: “Our customers’ data security is our top priority. PCI DSS plays an important strategic role in this. We are glad to have such a strong partner in usd AG who supported us in validating our compliance with PCI DSS. “

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