usd AG Once Again Appointed Member of the International PCI SSC GEAR

4. August 2020

usd AG was again appointed to be part of the Global Executive Assessor Roundtable (GEAR). Since 2018, the GEAR has been facilitating a direct exchange between PCI assessors and the PCI Security Standards Council (PCI SSC) Senior Leadership. Every two years, leading Assessor Companies from all parts of the world are selected from a large number of applicants to give advice, feedback and recommendations to the PCI SSC on behalf of the PCI Assessor Community. For this period, the GEAR will for the first time be comprised of 28 instead of 20 members.

As a GEAR member, usd AG will continue to support PCI SSC plans and projects with industry-specific, geographic and technical knowledge. This way, we will contribute to the purpose of advancing the establishment, administration and development of security standards that strengthen worldwide payment security.

PCI SSC Executive Director Lance J. Johnson, quotes: “The Global Executive Assessor Roundtable provides industry expertise and perspectives that influence and shape the development of PCI Security Standards and programs. We look forward to working with usd AG in our efforts to help organizations secure payment data globally.”

“It is a great honor for us as an experienced PCI QSA company to be selected again for the roundtable. This enables us to contribute by drawing on our many years of experience as a PCI Assessor Company, gained both from cooperations within the German-speaking region as well as from our international activities. We are pleased to continue our work in the committee and contribute to more security in the global credit card industry”, says Christopher Kristes, member of the management board and head of PCI Security Services at usd AG.

The official press release from the PCI SSC can be found here.

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