usd PCI Best Practice Workshop Offers an Opportunity for Exchange on PCI DSS v4.0

12. April 2022

On March 31, 2022, the PCI Security Standards Council (PCI SSC) published the long-awaited update of the standard, the PCI DSS v4.0, giving many reasons for questions and discussions. Already on April 6 and 7, usd AG hosted the usd PCI Best Practice Workshops on "PCI DSS v4.0", bringing together more than 100 international participants from companies of all sizes and industries to inform them about the release, its most important changes and possible next steps.

"Our claim and promise to our clients is not only to be their auditor but also their partner," explains Torsten Schlotmann, Head of PCI Security Services at usd AG. "Therefore, it is a matter of concern for us to be available with applicable information and as a contact partner during this significant change of the standard. What could be more suitable than our PCI Best Practice Workshop? We were very pleased with the great participation at this workshop."

The usd PCI Best Practice Workshop traditionally connects professionals in charge of PCI compliance with usd PCI experts twice a year. The aim is to exchange experiences and discuss current topics related to the world of the payment card industry. This year the focus was on the most important questions regarding the release of PCI DSS v4.0.

This year, usd experts Christopher Kristes, Head of Security Audits & PCI, Raphael Heinlein, Managing Consultant PCI Security Services and Julia Wingert, Senior Consultant PCI Security Services, answered the most important questions regarding the release of PCI DSS v4.0. At the beginning of the workshop, the most important changes were introduced in keynote speeches. In the following panel discussion, moderated by usd Technical Sales Consultant Benedikt Krümmel, there was a lively exchange between the Qualified Security Assessors and the workshop participants on possible use cases, best practices and next steps.

"We were particularly proud to welcome Jeremy King, VP and Regional Head of Europe at the PCI Security Standards Council, to our English-language workshop," reports Christopher Kristes. "Jeremy started the workshop on April 7 with a presentation that highlighted the reasons for and the path towards the release of PCI DSS v.4.0 and extended our panel in the following discussion. He provided the workshop participants with a special perspective on the new standard that will from now on accompany them in their certification projects."

You were not able to attend the usd PCI Best Practice Workshop but would like to learn more about PCI DSS v4.0? Here you will find the most important information as well as further free webinars on the topic.

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