5 reasons to run a Security Scan 

6. February 2023

Sebastian Düringer, Senior Consultant at usd HeroLab and responsible for our Security Scans , explains why Security Scans are an excellent introduction to the world of IT security analysis and why they should be an essential part of sustainable vulnerability management.

Easy Introduction to The Field of IT Security 

Especially systems and applications accessible from the Internet become the focus of criminal hackers. Known security vulnerabilities in applications, such as web server configuration problems or the use of outdated software versions with, in the worst case, already known vulnerabilities, pose a risk to your company and can be identified with the help of a scan. Security scans are relatively quick and inexpensive to implement. 

Compliance with Regulatory Requirements 

An increasing number of regulations, standards and norms require technical security assessments. For example, if your company falls within the scope of PCI DSS, you can fulfill requirement 11.3.2 (v4.0) by performingn ASV Scans and requirement 11.3.1 (v4.0) by performingn internal PCI DSS Scans

Well Comparable Results

Security scans are performed periodically, at best quarterly. The cycle of significant changes, such as the installation of new software or major changes to your infrastructure, is typically annual or further into the future. This allows you to capture ongoing metrics for evaluation by your IT security organization, making comparisons possible. 

Relevant for a Sustainable Vulnerability Management.  

By conducting security scans on a regular basis, the learning curve of your vulnerability management increases: The comparability and the trends that can be read from them make forecasts possible. In addition, your experience in dealing with vulnerabilities increases over time and your IT security awareness is sharpened.    

Ideally, you should supplement your vulnerability management with an in-depth technical analysis in the form of a pentest. Learn more about the differences between a pentest and a security scan here. In addition, vulnerability management can provide you with targeted support, for example with regard to the structured handling of numerous vulnerabilities. 

Easy Scalability

Once security scans are firmly implemented and established in your company, you can adapt the scope of the security scans, i.e. the systems or applications to be tested, as required. Thus, you can easily include an extension or modification of your IT infrastructure in the scope of the scans. 

Would you like more information about our Security Scans  or do you need support? Please feel free to contact us! 

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