#BeAware: Have I been pwned?

18. June 2019

Time and again we hear of security incidents where millions of data sets have been hacked and published, including account information, user names and passwords.

Have you ever wondered if you might be affected?

On https://haveibeenpwned.com you can check whether your email address has been affected by one of the known security incidents. The data base checks your email address against published data from known hacks. If there is a match, the data base will show the incident in which your email address was compromised and which information has been published.

What to do if you are affected? Change your password immediately. In addition, please consider if you need and use that email account at all and delete it otherwise.

About #BeAware:
We all know them from our daily work: security tips, the latest virus reports, horror stories from the world of cyber security. With #BeAware, usd security awareness experts would like to help you understand these messages. The articles highlight relevant IT security issues and the most common methods used by hackers and criminals, and give tips on what anyone can do to protect themselves and their company. For more security.

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