usd Basic Seminar: PCI DSS – Technical Scoping for Admins

Date: Request a corporate private seminar for your company.

Time: Day seminar from 9.00 AM to 5.00 PM / 2x half-day seminars from 9.00 AM to 12.00 PM

Location: On site at your office, at our CST Academy in Neu-Isenburg or Online

Seminar Topics

With the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), the credit card industry has issued an internationally valid security standard. The security requirements it contains follow best-practice approaches and serve to protect credit card data.

This seminar imparts important PCI DSS relevant contents for the activities of an administrator in system operation. Together with an experienced PCI DSS assessor, you will review the PCI DSS scope and discuss common problems as well as individual questions.

The agenda of the seminar is based on the following topics:

Typical systems in scope
Requirements for all IT systems in the PCI DSS scope
Requirements for individual or special systems
Recurring requirements for IT or IT management
Discussion and questions

Seminar Informationen

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Who is the seminar intended for?

The seminar is designed for anyone who is involved in a PCI DSS compliance project. We provide you with the necessary background and basic knowledge of the standard and thus support you in the successful planning and implementation of your PCI DSS project. It doesn't matter which industry you come from and whether you have previous technical knowledge or not.

Who are the speakers?

The seminar will be held by experienced consultants and PCI auditors from our company. usd AG is one of the few German companies authorized by the PCI Security Standards Council (PCI SSC) to perform security audits according to the PCI DSS, PCI SSF, PCI P2PE and PCI 3DS standards.

How does the seminar work as an online seminar?

We place great importance on active discussion of content as well as lively participation.

The seminar will be held using the Microsoft Teams meeting function. You and your employees will receive the access data for the online session via e-mail.

Participation is also possible without a Teams account. If you participate via such a guest account, we recommend using either Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome.

You will follow the speaker's presentation, whose screen and audio will be broadcast. For discussion and questions, you can use the audio and video function of Microsoft Teams as well as a live chat.

Your personal certificate

Upon successful participation in the seminar, you will receive a personal certificate confirming the contents learned as well as the completed participation. You will also qualify for 6 CPE (Continuing Professional Education) hours.

Your customized seminar

We are always happy to offer this seminar exclusively for your employees and with content tailored to your company. Just get in touch with us.