Extensive Update: PCI DSS v4.0 is Here

11. April 2022

The Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council (PCI SSC) released version 4.0 of the PCI DSS on March 31, 2022. The full version of the new standard can be viewed on the PCI SSC websites.

This now marks the beginning of a two-year transition period for companies that need to be certified to PCI DSS. Starting March 31, 2024, PCI DSS certifications must then be done according to version 4.0. For some requirements marked as "future-dated requirements," the council is still giving affected companies time beyond the transition period to implement these security requirements. However, by March 31, 2025 at the latest, these must also be fully implemented in accordance with version 4.0.

PCI DSS 4.0 Timeline


We accompany you

"Since the start of the revision, the PCI Standards Security Council has spoken of the most comprehensive update since version 1.0, so some personell responsible for PCI will no doubt have looked forward to the release not only with interest, but also with slight apprehension in terms of the extent of the adjustments in their own companies. But you don't have to be, we are here to help and advise you at every stage. On our PCI DSS v4.0 website we have initially compiled the most important information, tips for your next steps and various consulting and training offers for you," reports Torsten Schlotmann, Head of PCI Security Services at usd AG.

For an initial overview of the new requirements of PCI DSS v4.0, we particularly recommend our PCI Best Practice Workshop. Here, our auditors will be at your disposal with their expertise and will answer your questions.

Do you have questions about PCI DSS or do you already have specific questions about PCI DSS v4.0? Our experts will be happy to help you. Simply call +49 6102 8631-190 or send an e-mail to pci@usd.de.

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