usd HeroLab “Winterschool 2019” Launches

6. March 2019

“Become a HeroLab Professional” program for working students of the usd HeroLab

In mid-March two classes of working students of the “Winterschool” will start the five-day training program “Become a HeroLab Professional”. It was specially developed for this target group by experienced usd HeroLab security experts and is held in the premises of the CST Academy.

The goal of the specially developed training program is to impart deeper knowledge and skills in the area of security analysis & pentests to students working at usd HeroLab. In the first training block, participants therefore gain a sound insight into professional pentesting at system level, into usd’s own tools and into defined processes. The subsequent training block deals with the more advanced topic of “web application pentesting”, in which the critical security risks for web applications listed in the OWASP Top 10 are examined. This training block is designed for advanced working students and requires prior knowledge of system level pentests. Within the scope of their final exam, the working students can prove their acquired knowledge as teams. Participants in the “Become a HeroLab Professional” program are also presented with a certificate issued by the CST Academy.

Florian Haag, dual master student usd HeroLab & Hochschule Darmstadt on the past “Summerschool 2018”: “Become a HeroLab Professional provided some very good insights into the processes and technical procedures involved in performing a system level pentest. The theoretical contents were reinforced by several practical scenarios, so we could immediately apply what we had learned.”

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