After the financial crisis financial institutions and regulatory authorities – together with service providers – search for identification concepts and an appropriate identification management of market participants and financial instruments.
As Tier-2 member of the E-Finance Lab we will participate this year’s Spring Conference of E-Finance Lab and IBM. The event will be held on February 16th at Campus Westend of Goethe University Frankfurt. Participants have the chance to discuss the topic of „Identifiers and Identification Management in the Financial World and Beyond – Requests, Solutions, and Applications” with speakers from science and practice. Gerard Hartsink, Chair of the Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF), and Prof. John Leslie King, University of Michigan, USA will be Key Note Speakers.
As security expert and auditor we are proud to provide our expertise within the E-Finance Lab. Find more about the E-Finance Lab and this year’s Spring Conference here. The participation is free of charge.
search_vulns - Schwachstellensuche leicht gemacht: Die Geschichte hinter dem Community Tool
Eine gute Übersicht aller bereits bekannter Schwachstellen für Software-Produkte zu erhalten, ist oft schwieriger und komplexer, als man zunächst annimmt. Die Anforderungen an ein entsprechendes Tool oder einen Service sind vielfältig und können von aktuell...